Log Truck
We wanted to create a play area which captured the kid’s imagination!
We involved the kids with their playground development whilst learning about the processes, they brainstormed some ideas and we built a flatbed truck to double as a stage.
We took the kids to the woods to select the timber for the build. They marked the trees which were to be felled, demarcated the safety zone, found out about the health and safety equipment needed and also watched whilst the tree they had selected was felled. The next job was to tidy up the tree, taking off the little branches and bark which the children also helped with.
We had our mobile sawmill at the school so they could see the whole process of the build. Every day they inspected the progress!
At the end they had a truck for adventures and a stage for performances and they learned about woodlands, timber and how things are made.
Truck model; ‘Rustic Engineering TR33’